Neuromorphic Engineering

My research paper, „PySpice-Simulated In Situ Learning with Memristor Emulation for Single-Layer Spiking Neural Networks, “ was published today in the MDPI Electronics journal (IF 2.6), Special Issue: Recent Advances and Related Technologies in Neuromorphic Computing. Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach to in situ memristive learning by training spiking neural networks (SNNs) entirely within the [...]

My research paper „Efficient Implementation of Spiking Neural Networks for Inference using Ex-Situ Training“ was published in the IEEE Access (IF 3.4) journal today. Abstract: This paper introduces a novel method for designing and simulating neuromorphic circuits for inference tasks, utilizing spiking neural networks (SNNs) trained ex-situ to offer practical advantages in efficiency and accuracy. [...]

Today, exactly 5 months since I started working as a neuromorphic computing researcher at pmTUC, my first research paper in this field, „SNNtrainer3D: Training Spiking Neural Networks using a User-friendly Application with 3D Architecture Visualization Capabilities“ was published in the MDPI’s Applied Sciences journal. Abstract: Spiking Neural Networks have gained significant attention due to their [...]

Did you know that you can use Python to simulate neuromorphic circuits completely? I discovered this recently in my current job as a researcher in neuromorphic computing. A few months ago, after doing some state-of-the-art reading regarding neuromorphic circuits, I planned to experiment with designing and simulating neuromorphic circuits. The easiest way to start was [...]

A few days ago, I visited LOPEC (Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention) held in Munich from March 5-7, 2024. This event is recognized as the world’s leading exhibition and conference for flexible, organic, and printed electronics. It brings together industry leaders, manufacturers, engineers, suppliers, and key decision-makers in the field, providing a global platform [...]

Neuromorphic Computing Researcher

After a long break from intense work and spending a few months in India, on 01 February 2024, I accepted a new job offer and started working as a Researcher in Neuromorphic Computing at the Institute of Print and Media Technology from Chemnitz University of Technology (pmTUC). The main reason I think this role is [...]