Ein kreativer Forscher, besonders wenn es um Künstliche Intelligenz und Nachhaltigkeit geht.

Ich habe ein großes Interesse daran, an Projekten zu arbeiten, die einen Mehrwert bringen können.

Vom Schreiben und Veröffentlichen von Forschungsarbeiten zu den Themen Künstliche Intelligenz, Maschinelles Lernen, Tiefenlernen, Grüne Energie (insbesondere Solarenergie), Hardware-, Software-, und In-Circuit-Tests, Internet der Dinge und anderen Themen der Informatik bis hin zum Erstellen und Verwalten von Internetseiten, Grafikdesign und SEO – ich bin bereit, Sie mit meinem Engagement, meiner harten Arbeit und der fristgerechten Lieferung von Projekten zu verblüffen.

Mein Portfolio

DeepSeek has made waves around the internet in the last few days, praised for its open-source reasoning capabilities and outperforming OpenAI’s costly ChatGPT. DeepSeek R1 is a distilled model that matches the capabilities of top-tier models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Claude 3.5 Sonnet in tasks like math, coding, and reasoning. The best part? It’s completely [...]

Some updates from Brussels

Today marks 3 months since I started working as a Scientific Officer at ERCEA in Brussels, Belgium. It is a beautiful experience, and I enjoy my work here, especially regarding the Synergy Grants. The work environment is excellent, with colleagues of many nationalities who are great to be around. When searching for an apartment in [...]

If I were to buy a laptop in December 2024

Some people have asked me what laptops they should buy, considering the considerable number of varieties in the market. This depends on everyone’s needs, but if I were to buy a new laptop in December 2024, and if the budget and performance aspects would be essential, I would consider one of the following laptops (max [...]

My research paper, „PySpice-Simulated In Situ Learning with Memristor Emulation for Single-Layer Spiking Neural Networks, “ was published today in the MDPI Electronics journal (IF 2.6), Special Issue: Recent Advances and Related Technologies in Neuromorphic Computing. Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach to in situ memristive learning by training spiking neural networks (SNNs) entirely within the [...]

After four years working on my Ph.D. thesis in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Politehnica University of Timisoara, two years as an AI researcher at the German Aerospace Center, and six months as a researcher in neuromorphic computing at TU Chemnitz, today, I begin my new role as a Scientific Officer at the European Research Council [...]

Our research article, „Evaluating the Knowledge in Test Engineering Education using a Solar-powered Remote-controlled Flying Probe-Inspired In-Circuit Tester„, was presented today at the SIITME Conference in Sibiu, Romania. Abstract: This paper presents a solar-powered remote-controlled Flying Probe-Inspired In-Circuit Tester (FPICT) designed to improve individuals‘ knowledge and practical skills in the Test Engineering Education (TEE) domain. [...]

Olive Wood Backgammon

This year, on PC, I have played online games such as Dota 2, Black Myth: Wukong, and rarely Red Alert 2. When it comes to offline games, I played chess and backgammon. I learned backgammon from a neighbor near my grandparent’s home. Chess I learned from a neighbor near my mother’s home. Both of these games [...]

My research paper „Efficient Implementation of Spiking Neural Networks for Inference using Ex-Situ Training“ was published in the IEEE Access (IF 3.4) journal today. Abstract: This paper introduces a novel method for designing and simulating neuromorphic circuits for inference tasks, utilizing spiking neural networks (SNNs) trained ex-situ to offer practical advantages in efficiency and accuracy. [...]

Today, I saw that Google released the Pixel 9 smartphone, and one feature got my attention: Add Me. See the video below for more information. Interestingly, the „Add Me“ feature seems to be a feature very similar to one of my spontaneous creative ideas from 2013, namely this one (the broken English is evident due [...]

Today was my last working day as a postdoctoral researcher at TU Chemnitz, where I had been researching in the area of neuromorphic computing for the past six months. It was a very interesting endeavor, and I am grateful to have been part of it. I worked on the „Print the Brain“ project (which was [...]

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